Fees Allocation
veCOF holders and EXLP stakers can earn protocol income and COF rewards.
Protocol Income Allocation:
The protocol income collected from trading fees will be allocated as follows:
Total Protocol Income × 80%: × 50% Allocate for veCOF holders
Total Protocol Income × 80%: × 50%Allocate for COFLP stakers
Total Protocol Income × 20%: Purchase COFLP and add as protocol-owned liquidity
COF Rewards Allocation
1,000 COF will be distributed to veCOF holders and EXLP stakers daily, allocated as follows:
1000 × (1-veRate): Allocate for EXLP stakers
veRate is the COF staking ratio
veRate = veCOF Total Supply / COF Circulating Supply
The rest will be allocated for veCOF holders
Last updated